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The Spotiverse

A metaverse platform made to be inclusive to groups that have been left behind in the creation of the digital world. The Spotiverse is a safe place for the deaf and blind community to enjoy the world of music in an immersive way.


As a team, we were asked to choose a brand and give them advice on how to make the metaverse a betterverse. We pitched the idea to The Future Labatory at their offices in London, their feedback on our presentation and outcome for Spotify was extremely positive.

Our idea came from the fact that the metaverse isnt catered to the deaf-blind communities which is a gap that needed addressing.

Spotify says that music is for everyone which is why they were the perfect brand to target. At the start of the project Spotify hadnt entered the metaverse yet, however whilst we were working on the brief they had released information that they were creating Spotify Island, a music experience which was similar to ours, however still wasnt fully accessible. This supported our idea and proved we were looking in the right direction. 

We created a music event for users to experience music in an immerive way, by using new technologies such as haptics and 3D echolocation for deaf and blind persons to feel the music as well as hear it with others. The Spotiverse includes 3 stages including a space theme, jungle theme and underwater theme, all locations which are usually unattainable to us. 

The metaverse at the moment seems to replicate the world we live in today, we thought the metaverse should be a place where you could have brand new experiences which was why we chose to do this.

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